We each found our perfect match...

Every relationship has its defining moments—moments of life-changing joy, thought provoking irony, belief-challenging realizations, and inspiring suggestions of what is to come.  We are lucky to have shared a number of poignant moments that suggest the confetti-lined fate of our relationship: mutual inspiration, bad dancing, good food, fitness, community, family, and travel.

How we met. 

Before we get to where we are going, we thought we would start with where we began:

We met at Raji (Mandeep’s cousin and one of Jasmine’s closest friends from Michigan) and Soni’s wedding in Detroit in October of 2013.  Jasmine was a spastic weirdo and Mandeep was smooth and normal (only by some standards). A trend that continues. After the wedding, we kept in touch over text, sending each other absurd YouTube videos, exchanging ridiculous rap lyrics, and generally talking about all things food, fashion, travel, music, law, and hospitality.

Our First Date. 

Jasmine lived in SF and Mandeep lived in Las Vegas, so our first date set the tone for what was to come. Jasmine went to Vegas for her friend’s 30th birthday party (hi Gurjit!) and had a typical Vegas weekend scheduled.  She invited Mandeep to join but he said he couldn’t because he was running in a race down the Las Vegas Strip on Sunday evening. The conversation went something like this:

Jasmine: “Wanna hang out with us?”

Mandeep: “Can’t, I am running a race down the Las Vegas Strip Sunday evening”

Jasmine: “That sounds cool.”

Mandeep: “Wanna run with me?”

Jasmine: “Yes!”

Mandeep (under his breath): “This girl thinks she can just run a race cold after a Vegas weekend, whatever.”

Jasmine (under her breath): “This kid has no idea who I am.”

Jasmine, after three days of no sleep and long Vegas nights, laced up her sneakers, met Mandeep at Mandalay Bay and outpaced him the whole way to the finish line. It was Mandeep’s first day in Jasmine’s life bootcamp.

Turns out, we enjoyed each other’s company so we started to visit each other back and forth, exploring all that each of our cities had to offer. Our escapades included: finding the best salmon nigiri; getting our eyebrows threaded (have you seen these things? They are like caterpillars on our faces.); bike riding and working out (Mandeep loves that Jasmine makes him do this at 5am); going to Hyde in the Bellagio (and finding confetti in our pockets the next morning); eating ice cream sandwiches; weird dancing across crosswalks; changing mean rap lyrics into affirming statements (you tiny little bear I am hanging with YOU!); and generally being annoying middle children.

The Defining Moment.

One of our favorite--and relationship defining--moments together took place while on vacation in Mexico City over New Year’s Eve 2015. Our hotel graciously presented us with a milk and white chocolate sculpture of a man playing a guitar as a New Year’s gift. It was glorious.  And normally would have been consumed in under 60 seconds, leaving drops of milk chocolate speckled across our shirts and laps, only later to melt and look like little specks of poo on the pants (don’t front like that’s never happened to you). But with the New Year upon us, we attempted to be thoughtful about our consumption and collectively decided to eat the tiny musician after dinner.  

Jasmine went to the bathroom to get ready, fearing all the while for the life of the little chocolate guitar man. Would he melt? Would someone take him while we were gone? Would he join a band of chocolate musicians and go on a tour of dive bars in the Pacific Northwest?  A mere ten minutes later, she returned to a missing man and a satisfied Mandeep. “You ate my little chocolate pal?!” she exclaimed. “You’re not my friend! Who eats a New Year Chocolate Guitar Man that fast anyway?!” Desperate to get a word in, Mandeep proclaimed, “No! I hid him in the closet so housekeeping wouldn’t take him!”

He hid a chocolate sculpture in the closet so nobody would take it. That, friends, is what we call destiny. We aren’t quite sure how we found each other, but man oh man we are so happy that we did.  

Our Community.

We recognize the special role each of you has played in our individual lives, collective lives, and future lives. Our wedding is a testament to your inspiration: you taught us how to live, run, eat, talk, read, and love. Quite literally. We can’t wait to celebrate with you (with a three day marathon of eating, drinking, dancing, and hugging). Prepare yourselves.

What Now?

Please keep scrolling down to see some fun pictures and read the story of Mandeep's proposal.  Check out the links below or the navigation bar at the top of this page for some more information about our wedding events, accommodations, FAQs, and to fill out a request form for your mailing address (formal invitations to follow).